
Showing posts from October, 2017

Sheila Walsh - Grace in a Barren Place

Sheila Walsh is an Author and Singer who talks about her ups and downs in her life. Truly an inspiration to those who have been through depression. Walsh has hosted the 700 Club and is now on Life Today with James and Betty Robison. Walsh, a Scottish woman, has a Wednesday show on Life Today. You're encouraged to watch her on TBN as she ministers about being an over-comer of depression. Check out Sheila Walsh weekdays at 2PM on Life Today Mondays-Fridays.

The Tracey Ullman Show 02

I used to the watch this show back in the 80's. English Actress/Comedienne Tracey Ullman show used to be on Fox in the US. I have not heard about Tracey Ullman until I checked out YouTube clips of her impersonating British Prime Minister Theresa May and German Chancellor Angela Merkel. I was a little boy when I used to watch the Tracey Ullman show and impersonations is what I remember most about this woman. Telling jokes is only part of being a funny and effective comedian or comedienne the other funny part is being able to do really good impersonations. This video brings back memories of watching Tracey Ullman on TV. 

The Bates Family - Supernanny UK FULL EPISODE

For those who are not familiar with Jo Frost she came to US and had a TV show Supernanny that used to be on ABC. Frost is a nanny who is a certified baby-sitter. I used to watch Frost from (2005-2011). Frost deals with children in the US and U.K. Frost would with stay with the family for a few weeks. Families who needed an intervention would call Jo Frost to come to their state. (Jo Frost visited families in all 50 US States). The first week Frost takes note of how the kids would act up. Then when Frost has had enough she would talk to the parents and show them some discipline techniques that were effective in the second week. Probably the biggest challenges that the family have that Frost notices is that there is a lack of a parent in the house. For example, mom may be lenient but dad may be strict and sometimes the other way around. The kids don't listen to the lenient parent because he or she is a pushover whenever they try to discipline their kids. Frost deals with more than ...

Susan Boyle - Britains Got Talent 2009 Episode 1 - Saturday 11th April |...

Susan Boyle, 47 got exposure from being Britains Got Talent and went all the way to the finale Probably the biggest moment on Season 1 of Britians Got Talent when a woman by the name of Susan Boyle 47, appeared on the show in 2009. Boyle, from Scotland wanted her dreams to come true to be a professional singer. It all happened when she sung I Dreamed A Dream. Since Boyle tore it up in her auditions, she have done a lot of performances and interviews. Boyle has proven that anyone's dreams can come true and that you are never too old to have goals. Boyle didn't look like she had the voice but one judge learned in Simon Cowell that "you can't go by looks." Boyle wanted to showcase her hidden talent and went all the way to the finale of Britians Got Talent. I've heard Susan Boyle's performance on Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN) 2 years ago on then Praise The Lord (now Praise). Humble beginnings from a humble person, Susan became famous instantly.

Keeping up Appearances - Series 2, Episode 7

Keeping Up Appearances British Comedy aired from (1990-1995). Hyacinth Bucket (pronounced Bouquet) played by Patricia Routledge and Richard Bucket Hyacinth's husband played by Clive Swift made this comedy hilarious! The car steering wheel is on the passenger's side in the U.K. The fixes that Hyacinth and Richard get in is really funny. Whenever Hyacinth talk to anyone in person they refer to her as Mrs. Bucket like a bucket pale but she corrects them, by saying that's "Bucket" to be pronounced "Bouquet." Richard is subservient to Hyacinth because Hyacinth plays the role of the boss in this comedy. The only other character that Hyacinth intimidates is Elizabeth Warden played by Josephine Tewson who is her next door neighbor. I used to watch the reruns on this show in the early and mid 2000's. It used to come on Saturdays at 8PM Sundays at 7PM on PBS. I miss this show but I will never forget how funny this show is and how it made me laugh, lol!😀

Brexit Explained

Brexit is explained in this YouTube video. On June 23, 2016 the U.K. voted to leave the European Union. I think when they voted for Brexit no one really expected it to be the majority who wanted to leave the European Union. If they could have voted again the U.K. would have voted differently and stayed in the European Union. The Brexit could be up for a vote again in the future.

Everything U.K.

British Topics thread will focus on everything in the U.K. It will cover everything from leaders, news, entertainment, popular tourist attractions to visit when you come to the U.K., politics, etc. To all of my friends who are from the U.K. your country will be represented very well in my blog. The US/U.K. have a wonderful relationship. The US is proud to call the U.K. our ally. Whenever I come up with different threads like this I try to be open-minded. Just the heads up I will come up with threads for Germany and Israel in the upcoming days as well. These blogs are for the readers and fellow bloggers to agree or disagree with me. Your comments are welcomed. All I ask is that you don't spam and be respectful. All spam comments will be removed. I hope that all of my readers enjoy!